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Happy Monday, and welcome to the weekly poll round-up, where we shake out the poll numbers in an effort to see trends in thought and feeling. I was heartened this week by the high number of positive responses in each of the polls, especially those that evinced a healing and contribution-oriented attitude. The more of us who approach daily life with a consciousness of the interconnectedness of all things, and the willingness to add in positive ways to the Collective energy and experience, the more likely we are to sway things in a positive direction on a planetary scale.

Sound a little high falutin’? I think not, considering that roughly 17-20% in each survey chose an answer that reflects some fear or a distrust of the Universe. There are many many reasons this may be so, and I’m in no position to judge those reasons. What I do know, however, is that the Collective positivity that is in evidence will influence those who are momentarily caught in doubt and fear, and can bouy them in ways they’re hardly conscious of.

I also thought it was tremendously positive that so many showed an awareness of the need to take action, whether it was to make fundamental changes (25%) or to make clearer contact with the internal (a full 47%). Now, I always assume that I’m having experiences at least in part to draw my attention to something that may be brewing within the greater sphere, and these results, plus some recent experiences with individuals, have emphasized that there is a small contingent who are wrestling internally with change and the inevitability of it. They want to grow, they are aware that life is calling them to, and yet they are having great difficulty giving up the idea that they already know–what’s best, the way things ‘should’ be, who they are in the now, and though this drives them to seek guidance and situations that challenge them to grow, they also reject outright the feedback they’re receiving–because they cannot acknowledge that the ‘old’ knowledge that seemed to work so well for them before is no longer valid. I see this as a manifestation of Pluto in the final degree of Sagittarius; those who prosper are those who see that change is coming, and who surrender to a fresh input of information, that gives them the knowledge to go forward, successfully in charge of change within their own lives. This applies to everyone, myself included; for some, the hardest thing will be to give up the outdated idea of who or what they are.

And finally, the Moon enters Scorpio this morning, and we’re, yes, lookin’ for Love, and, you betcha, it’ll be in all the wrong places with this Moon that will dig a little too much, stirring something deep in the Scorpio cave; and by Love I mean any nurture or enrichment or comfort that brings security. How do we combat this tendency to turn over all the wrong rocks, to kiss all the wrong frogs? With a serious, even passionate, need for emotional honesty. Embracing our own emotional depths, accepting even the less shiny or flattering impulses we have, and as well forgiving those in others (even though we may be perfectly justified in holding trespassers at arm’s length!) is the way to deal with this Moon’s squares to the Nodal axis, Chiron, and Neptune. A commitment to emotional honesty also keeps at bay the possible hurt, delusion, and misdirection along the life path that comes to those who insist they couldn’t possess a darker side. An opposition to Vesta only challenges us, again, to be scrupulously truthful, specifically by putting that which is sacred before us and daring us to live up to what we say are our standards. Choose with care, and the Scorpio Moon’s trine to Uranus (the 25th at approx. 9 PM PST) will show how well we’ve handled this, and could bring forward a depth of satisfaction we didn’t really anticipate.

And whatever you do, have a great Monday!