
This month’s New Moon occurs on the 22nd at 12:34 PM PDT at 1 Cancer 30, and makes only a few aspects. Two contacts have a less than one degree orb, a conjunction to Vesta and an opposition to Pluto. This paints a very interesting energy picture, where we might see the melding of the New Moon in Cancer energy with the sacred feeling, sense of ‘home,’ and potential for sexual expression and then juxtaposed against the Plutonian darkness–the ‘bad guys’ are out there, and we’re cozy at home, curled up before the fire. It’s a lovely image of nurture and inclusion, and we should certainly feel free to enjoy the feeling, to spoon to our heart’s content–but we must also keep in mind that it’s dangerous to disown or deny our own darker aspects. Pluto enjoys a spot before the hearth in every home, as well, and only the dangerously naive or boldly arrogant claim “I would never . . .!” when it comes to the Plutonian urge. So, celebrate the warm and fuzzies that will come with the June New Moon, but be aware that we all hold that Plutonian potential, the seeds of disintegration–making this New Moon feeling all the more delicious in its contradiction of the dark.

Of course, the New Moon/ Sun will conjunct Vesta and oppose Pluto (and Earth), and at just over one degree variation forms a quincunx to the North Node, and one big possibility here is that there’ll be a lot of sex, the kind that actually causes us to adjust our life direction (if only by reinforcing a previous commitment, though making a new commitment is a possiblity, as well, with new intentions and directions ‘birthed’ by the New Moon energy) and this potential is magnified by the meeting of Venus and Mars in Taurus trine Saturn in Virgo–Earthy vibes are everywhere, and the sensual, caring, and nurturing facets of sex and relationship permeate the worlds of those open to it. It’s a cosmic recipe for stable, dependable, yet exciting love and congress–and only the unfortunate few disconnected from or disowning their sexual nature will miss out.

And see a beautiful take on love and spoons (a bit more literal than mine!) here http://bitze.wordpress.com/2009/05/06/welsh-love-spoon/