
The Moon, in a false color image to show terrain contrasts. Photo courtesy of NASA

The Moon and Sun meet at 4:01 AM PST at 24 Sagittarius 39. When the Sun and Moon align (at least from our viewpoint on Earth) we see a strong pull of energy in the direction of the pairing. It’s a time for new starts; the impetus is all in one direction, offering an advantage if we’ll plan our activities to follow this flow. These new beginnings can be made in the matters of the natal House where the New Moon falls–we all know this–what we may not know is that there is a New Moon picture made by the bodies the Moon and Sun aspect closely, and that these energies, all together, tell us what to expect from the seed that’s planted over the coming month.

For the final New Moon of the year we have an interesting set of influences on our Sag seed energy: sextiles from Jupiter and Neptune (and from Chiron, if we give just a little in our usually strict two degree orb), all in the Fixed Air of Aquarius, and a square from Uranus in open, Cosmic Pisces. Sagittarius is an energy of outreach; we are naturally urged to ‘go forth,’ in some sense, to learn, to teach/ share, to discover, to expand: our world, our knowledge, our horizons. This time, the influence from the Jupiter/ Neptune/ Chiron combination is one that will hold a different emphasis, depending on the astrological chemistry of each individual. The primary potentials are for massive or exaggerated hurt, fantasy, or ideals fueling that Sag outreach. It’s a mental complex rooted in ideas that we’re very sure of (Aquarius, Jupiter, Sagittarius) and that means we may form sparks of thought (the seeds of the New Moon) that are in essence plans to somehow share or reach out (Sagittarius, waxing Moon energy), strongly influenced by the Aquarius energy to which we respond most prominently. These ideas of outreach are propelled by our primal wound (Chiron), our fantasies or delusions (Neptune), and/ or our ideals (also Neptune).

Belief (Jupiter/ Sagittarius) is behind what is planted; which energy we respond to (Jupiter=beliefs, Chiron=hurt, or Neptune=delusions, fantasies, or ideals) is largely dependent on our own natal charts. Do we have strongly developed philosophies of life, a knowledge orientation? Then Jupiter will lead the pack, and may provide exaggeration or put one’s personal beliefs foremost; do we easily see ourselves as victims, targets, or scapegoats? Chiron is the likely star, as our desire to make contact will be driven by the hope of alleviating pain; do we struggle with staying grounded, either because of difficulty connecting to reality, or because we are consistently imposing our ideals on reality? Neptune is probably in play, obscuring, inspiring, and misleading our efforts. Our responsiveness to these energies natally will strongly influence our experience of this New Moon, and the month to come.

There is another factor to consider: Uranus in dreamy Pisces. The energy of individuality, rebellion, and group-think forms a square to the New Moon, and the seed that’s born contains a germ of radicalism, creativity, and innovation, and introduces the possibility that our New Moon ideas will be vetted via the group–and yet the square promises that these facets will be added through conflict, and that this confrontation takes a Piscean form. This suggests that we could receive this influence subconsciously, through dreams and visions, through images, movies, or music, or through an experience of the Collective.

Considering all factors, this is a New Moon of potentials; the biggest challenge is to take the seed energies and sort usable energies, facts, knowledge, inspiration, images and visions, from delusions, fantasies, and responses seated in old hurts. One way to stay grounded (and thus make best use of these potentials) is to earth ourselves through the sign energy of Earth’s current position, in Gemini. This suggests we can bounce ideas off others, discuss, network, and fact-check, in order to see what’s truly feasible, and what may be a little too pie-in-the-sky.