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Until he's 'birthed,' revealing himself, Uranus in Aries may be very much like an iceberg, with the majority of his energy hidden Frederic Church {{PD-Art}}

Virgo Full Moon arrives at 11:09 AM on the 19th at 28 Virgo 47.  We find the Nodal axis still within the Cross and Neptune/ Ceres at 29 Aquarius quincunx the Full Moon and Earth, and Uranus is opposed the Full Moon (and so conjunct the Sun) from the Aries Point–and those are our only aspects, but oh, what aspects!

A Full Moon is a culmination of energies; we all know this, right? The problem is that we say that but may not recognize that culminations mean endings, but that we don’t or won’t necessarily recognize an ending when we see it! This is one of the weaknesses of monitoring our own energies with astrology:  we are in danger of expecting certain things–and along with expectations come assumptions about what those things will look like. So, to let go of our assumptions may play a big part in successfully knowing what is coming to an end–and that may not be easy with the pressure of the Nodes in play (forcing the attention toward our destined direction–about which of course we carry even more assumptions!), with the rebellious energies of Uranus trained on expressing individuality (and as a consequence failing to look beyond the Self), and with the involvement of Neptune/ Ceres, calling forward every fantasy, delusion, and mommy or authority issue in our repertoire. So that’s the challenge with these aspects: if we meet them in a mundane way, in an ordinary state of mind, they act as more of a distraction from the ‘business’ of the Full Moon than anything else.

The Sabian tells us how important it is that we meet this energy in an ‘elevated’ state of mind. The symbol for the Full Moon is ‘A Seeker After Occult Knowledge Is Reading An Ancient Scroll Which Illumines His Mind’  The symbol implies that the Full Moon holds the promise of a means of discovering hidden spiritual knowledge, as we act in the role of Seeker. But, this knowledge is a finalization, a conclusion, a putting-together of what we’ve been gathering, discovering, or seeking, perhaps our entire lives.

The illumination a Full Moon brings to Earth (our material circumstances) this time around is not only in opposition to consciousness (the Sun) as usual (meaning that the culmination indicated comes about without great conscious effort on our part–it brings to an end matters as part of a natural cycle, rather than because of our doing), but is also in opposition to Higher Mind (Uranus)–and this suggests that, though we need to meet the Full Moon energy in an elevated state of mind, what we observe as the result may be decidedly mundane–and this means that we may not recognize the culmination as what it really is, the accumulation of our seeking efforts as they play out through these particular influences. Even more vital to note, this Moon may trigger the ‘birth’ of Uranus in Aries–it may, through a mechanism of conclusion or ending, ‘make room’ for the Uranus in Aries manifestation in our lives.

Read the rest of the Full Moon report in ECLIPSE newsletter–subscribe at right with the ‘Add to Cart’ button!

ECLIPSE subscribers: see ‘What’s So Super About the Super Moon?’ and material on the lunar journey both before and after the Full Moon moment on the protected page here at the blog.

Great stuff from expert astrologer Jude Cowell at Stars Over Washington on the Super Moon

And here’s another account of the Big Picture by Kathryn Cassidy that pulls it all together on a global scale